This is a blog celebrating our lives together and our beautiful children, Lucca and Isabella
My Videos
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
A Merry Christmas was had by all!
After the guests departed Angel's mom, Somone, came bearing gifts. Thus began the present opening part of our holiday. Isabella received her princess piano and dress up trunk and Lucca received the first of many Transformers. Angel was given a sticker book and a Barbie and then Somone and Angel went off to enjoy the rest of their Christmas.
Mike cooked a Christmas Eve dinner of Shrimp Scampi and we watched "It's a Wonderful Life". Before it was too late we bundled the kids in their jammies and read, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and The Birth of Jesus from the Bible. We then put the kids in the car and drove around Livermore listening to Mike's Quiet Carols and looking at Christmas lights. Thankfully, both kids fell asleep and were easily transported to bed. Mike and I drank some egg nog, finished "It's a Wonderful Life" and completed our Christmas Eve wrapping and whatnot.
Kids were up at 6:45am and ready to see what Santa had brought. Torturously, I made them wait in the bedroom as I drank my coffee, fed the cats, took pictures and Mike set the music going. When it was time the kids burst out into the living room and immediately started playing with Minnie Mouse and the Hulk. Before too long the kitties got their mouse and treats, Mike and I opened our stockings and Lucca, our elf, handed out packages pausing to open his as he found them. (Often without knowing who it was from so if there are mistakes on the thank you notes, you know why!)
After presents we ate breakfast and then played some more. Mike continued making delightful yummies to take to John and Ann's (foodie friends) while the kids played and I tried to straighten (haha!).
During this festive time our neighbor came over to report that one of the van's vent windows was wide open. Fearing theft, we went to check it out. Nothing was missing and despite rain all night there wasn't too much trouble with water in the car. I closed the window and decided to wait until after breakfast to deal with it. Oops. The stormy wind blew open the window again this time taking it off the car and causing it to shatter all over the driveway. We took the van to the shop today and are awaiting the estimate.
Mike left early for John and Ann's and the kids and I took my now-ghetto van with the bag taped over the window later in the evening. Our feast was Rack of Lamb en croute (Lamb Wellington with bones), brocolli rabe, potatoes and Zupe Anglaise (English Trifle with an Italian twist). We were all shocked to see so many little kids running around John and Ann's (Lucca, Stephanie, Isabella and Sadie, with Baby Michele asleep in Jeff or Joann's arms). The kids of days past (Roxanne, Cody, Ian and Casey) have all entered the teen years and young adulthood. Gifts of books and home jarred foods were exchanged and we were home by 10:30pm.
The Night Before Christmas
Here we are enjoying a reading of "The Night Before Christmas" as we wind down for the night.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Time For A Princess Jam Session
Despite her royal stature, Isabella enjoys pleasing the crowds with her rendition of Jingle Bells on the ivories.
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I Am A Princess And I Shall Fly Away...After My Nap
Isabella got to open an early Christmas present and it was a princess outfit complete with wings (I think she already lost or ate the crown) and shoes. Here she is joyfully sporting her new duds.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Lunch At The Tadich Grill
Becky and I enjoyed a fantastic lunch at The Tadich Grill, California's oldest restaurant, in San Francisco. It was a nice day despite forecasts of rain.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
Isabella Watching TV In A Hospital Bed 12-21-2008
Our darling daughter decided to eat a christmas tree light bulb today, prompting a trip to the emergency room. Fortunately she is perfectly fine. Here she is enjoying her own remote control.
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Holiday Train Of Lights 12-20-2008
This is such a fantastic event we enjoy attending. Lots of old train cars are decorated with christmas lights and it winds through the local canyons. Santa makes a visit and they have cookies and hot chocolate. My family truly enjoys this.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
Isabella, Mamma, and Lucca On The Holiday Train Of Lights 12-20-2008
Here we are enjoying a wonderful ride through Niles Canyon on the Sunol Holiday Train Of Lights
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Monday, December 15, 2008
Lucca and Santa At The Ravenswood Home
Lucca had a private session with Santa at the historic Ravenswood Home in Livermore, CA. He asked Santa for a Ben10 Alien Force Alien Creation Kit. Santa assured him that his new manufacturing facility in China could handle the order.
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Sunday, December 14, 2008
Lucca Enjoying A Vanilla Shake
I was upset at Lucca earlier today because he cut himself on my paper cutter after I told him not to play on it. I took him out for a little while because I felt bad for yelling at him. Here he is enjoying a vanilla shake at Fudrucker's
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ahmadi Christmas Card 2008
A Joyous Holiday Season To One And All From Isabella, Becky, Mike, and Lucca Ahmadi
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Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lucca's Christmas Pageant

Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Lucca and Angel
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sound Asleep
This is what I am thankful for. Lucca and Cousin Bobby are passed out while we enjoy dinner.
Gobble Gobble
Lucca simply cannot help himself in front of a camera. Either we get an emotionless look or a goof. We love him just the same !